

The main objective of the “The Quaid-e-Azam Group of Montessori System” is to provide a carefully planned, stimulating environment, which will help children develop within themselves the foundational habits, attitudes, skills and ideas which are essential for a lifetime of creative thinking and learning, of social integration, and emotional well-being.

quality equipment

The Quaid-e-Azam Group of Montessori System is Specialized Montessori toys, teaching aids, charts are available and effectively used by our experienced staff.

Physical Training

PT sessions are conducted with designated instructor. Specific exercises and games are conducted which the kids really enjoy and is fun for all of us.


There is no other way around it. Computers are part and parcel of the education system and our daily lives. Qualified teachers assist children to accustom themselves and get hands-on experience with computers.

Music Classes

Extracurricular activities plat an important role in developing child personality. Working in groups helps in improving relationship building and getting along with other children.

Teaching Methodology

Having spent so much time in education and teaching, our methodology is essentially a blend of our core Islamic and cultural values with the latest Montessori and teaching methods and we take pride in being able to successfully deliver working with children from all backgrounds, communities, working classes and environment.

fish aquarium & Birds

The beautiful and colorful fish aquarium is the most popular area where our children would gather daily. Count and identify the fish with their colors and sizes. Likewise a small collection of parrots is an everyday fun for the children.

Events and Field Trips

Regular field trips and participation in events with a super charged and teaching staff maked Montessori System a fun place to learn for children and gain and build on that extra self confidence to excel in life.

library & books

A library with quality books for children is also present with chairs and carpeting. We take care to keep the collection updated with latest and colorful books to encourage your children to spend regular time in this area and build their habits of reading.